You’ve got major credit card debts that have to be paid off. You’ve read about what to do to start settling credit card debt but you have to get your spending habits under control.
Most people waste money – often a great deal of money. Much of this money is wasted without too much thought with nothing to show for it at the end. There hasn’t been a check made of spending money and it’s just disappeared.
When the question is asked about where to start settling credit card debt the first thing to do is not to take your card out with you. In fact you’d be better to destroy the thing! Then you wouldn’t be able to give in to tempting offers when you have no plastic to hand over!
So how will you buy groceries? This is where a new spending discipline comes into force. Credit cards, at least until your debts are under control, are banned. You may have a debit card but you aren’t allowed to take it out with you most days. You’re only allowed to spend cash. Each week, or whatever period of time is appropriate for you, you take out of the bank a set amount of cash. Each day you leave home with only a set amount of cash. If you haven’t got the money then you can’t spend it, can you.
That’s probably seems very harsh but it’s got to be tough because you’re in debt and they’ve got to be paid. You really know deep down about settling credit card debt and it means stopping spending money like there’s no tomorrow. You have to be more disciplined and change your spending habits. You have to learn to be more aware of what you’re spending and what you’re buying.
But you have to remember that you’ve been spending money that isn’t yours and it has to be paid back to those who lent it to you.
If you have debt problems visit settling credit card debt where you can find valuable advice and information to enable you to get your financial situation back on track. Put an end to your anxiety and sleepless nights and get help immediately.
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